
 Pre Check In

Zoom to your room in no time to start enjoying the sunshine and cocktails.


Pre Check In


Following the pandemic, we have permanently undertaken a “touch less” initiative for a safe stay while making sure we are not compromising on your comfort and overall holiday experience. From your room stationary, to our restaurant menu and everything else, we have designed your online concierge for that purpose.

room preference

Tell us your room preference so that we can do our best to get you the type of room you’ll love. We can’t guarantee 100% but generally we are very good at meeting preferences. Check as many as applicable.

late arrival food order

Our kitchen is generally open until 22:00. if you think you may arrive after our kitchen closes, we can have food prepared for you and ready in your room. Take a look at our menu here and let us know. You may want to choose items that will keep well while waiting for you such as salads, cold sandwiches but we will cook anything you choose.

late arrival self access to your room

Get to your room & get to rest right away.
Our reception is not open 24 hours. For very late arrivals while the reception is closed, please follow the steps below for self-check in. We will take care of your registration the next morning after breakfast.

There is always help in case of difficulty. You are not alone.
If you run into any difficulty you can't overcome during self-check in, we are on the property to help. You can either use our in-house phone by the reception door to dial 4040, dial +90 533 867 8585 using your cell phone or if the numbers do not answer, come by room 32 and knock on the door. There is always someone on call on the property to help. (Please use the last option only if necessary).

Please see the map below. Your key will be in the door of your room.

  1. Once you arrive at High Life, follow the green line to reach our reception.

  2. Confirm your room number on a self-check in message we will leave for you on our reception door.

  3. For rooms 21 – 26, follow back the purple line to the lower floor of Terra Building.

  4. For rooms 27 – 32, follow back the purple line to the upper floor of Terra Building. Take the stairs up by the swimming pool.

  5. For rooms 34 – 37, follow back the red line to the upper floor of Sun Building. Take the stairs up.

  6. For rooms 38 – 41, follow back the red line to the lower floor of Sun Building.